For a few days the beta version of Wordalizer 1.5 for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC was downloadable for free. This offer is now obsolete.
Tag : Typography
Getting Started with IndyFont Pro
January 14, 2014 | IndyFont | en | fr
Our friend Mike Rankin (editor in chief of and InDesign Mag) has recently released a rich Font Management Essential Training course at Among many topics (TrueType vs. PostScript vs. OpenType; using web fonts; installing, activating and deactivating fonts; using Mac Font Book or Suitcase Fusion; identifying fonts…) Mike discusses creating fonts in InDesign. His screencast is an excellent introduction to IndyFont and, the icing on the cake, Lynda's team has agreed to offer free access to it. Thanks to them all :)
IndyFont | Fabriquer un faux italique en 7 mn chrono !
November 25, 2013 | IndyFont | fr
IndyFont peut transformer en police OpenType tout ce qui est « vectoriellement valide » dans InDesign. Ainsi, étant donné un échantilonnage de glyphes issus d'une police de caractères offrant seulement le style romain, rien n'est plus facile que de transformer ces glyphes par inclinaison puis d'exporter le jeu résultant comme une nouvelle police de caractères. À titre d'exemple, voyons comment générer une déclinaison oblique de la police Impact LT…
StyLighter 1.4 for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC
November 22, 2013 | StyLighter | en | fr
Seeing is believing! StyLighter 1.4 is out and should now support InDesign CC on both Mac and Windows platforms. As already explained here this script is entirely based on a 'deep hook,' it takes advantage of an aborted functionality which Adobe has never even officially mentioned. But that great hidden feature is somewhat fossilized in the bowels of InDesign and still seems to work fine in CC (albeit with some limitations). Thanks to this, StyLighter allows you to easily visualize how paragraph and character styles are applied in your document.
FontMixer | Extend Typefaces in InDesign CS5/CS6/CC
July 15, 2013 | FontMixer | en | fr
So you have discovered a beautiful typeface that you want to leverage for your layout. Unfortunately some accented characters, diacritics, or needed symbols are missing. Thanks to IndyFont you can easily create a complementary font that will provide those missing glyphs. Then, as an experienced InDesign user, you'll probably be tempted to manage the whole character set through GREP styles. FontMixer offers a very cool alternative based on a secret feature available in InDesign CS5 and later…
IndyFont 1.1 | Public PRO Release and User's Guide
May 29, 2013 | IndyFont | en | fr
This is a great day for both typography lovers and InDesign fans! IndyFont is a complete typeface builder for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC. This new and amazing tool created by Jongware can generate clean and functional OpenType fonts in just a few seconds. Did you ever need to have custom bullets available in your layout? Did you ever imagine to design your own character set, including your logo or any required pictogram, with the ability to edit ligatures, diacritics, oldstyle figures, swashes or any alternate? You no longer have to buy and master a complex font editor to have it done! Check out IndyFont and enjoy drawing from A to Z pure OTF fonts in InDesign…
IndyFont 1.1 Sneak Peeks
April 25, 2013 | IndyFont | en | fr
As announced in June 2012, IndyFont is a mind-blowing InDesign script that makes it possible to design and distill pure OpenType fonts from scratch! Theunis de Jong and I put all our energy in having the final release available as soon as possible. Meanwhile, let's watch short sneak previews…
IndyFont | Build OpenType Fonts from within InDesign!
June 25, 2012 | IndyFont | en | fr
Theunis de Jong—aka Jongware—announces today the most spectacular script I have ever ran. IndyFont (for InDesign CS4, CS5+, and CS6) allows you to save any set of vector arts as a “real, true, valid OpenType font”…
ScriptUI Fonts Facts
June 02, 2012 | Tips | en
Skinning a user interface with ScriptUI may be tricky as soon as you want to apply custom fonts to specific fields or controls. Besides the ScriptUI object model does not offer intuitive solutions to that purpose, we also have to cope with a few cross-platform issues…
Comment paramétrer les espaces dans InDesign
May 16, 2011 | Extras | fr
Le contrôle des espaces (chasse, justification, etc.) est le lieu d'une divergence historique entre XPress et InDesign. Tandis qu'InDesign propose une douzaine d'espaces distinctes qui semblent emprisonnées dans leur sémantique Unicode, XPress a souvent été considéré comme un outil plus flexible du fait qu'il ouvre à l'utilisateur le pouvoir de définir lui-même les valeurs d'espacement et les plages de variation dont il a besoin. Cependant, le déficit d'InDesign n'est pas aussi définitif qu'il y paraît…
Report Page Hyphens 2.0 (beta)
January 29, 2011 | Snippets | en | fr
In May 2010, Loïc Aigon and I have written the first draft of ReportPageHyphens, a quite basic script which is used to inventory all unattractive hyphens that occur between two pages. The preliminary version of RPH has been released in Scriptopedia and was supposed to work in InDesign CS4. Since then we have found several bugs and issues. Some of them have been reported in Scriptopedia's comment page, or in the Adobe InDesign forum. The main user request was that the script can also identify unwanted hyphens that appear in footnotes. Should we try a new approach?
Composer en arabe sous InDesign CS4
July 13, 2010 | Snippets | fr
Comme l'avait souligné Thomas Phinney dans son célèbre billet « World-Ready Composer in Adobe CS4 », InDesign embarque depuis la CS4 une ribambelle d'outils secrets capables de gérer l'écriture de droite à gauche propre à certaines langues, la bidirectionnalité et autres fonctionnalités qu'on pensait jusqu'alors réservées à InDesign ME. Ces goodies restent peu documentés mais sont déjà largement expérimentables grâce au scripting.
Wordalizer 1.25 | Create Word Clouds in InDesign
April 07, 2010 | Wordalizer | en | fr
This post is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.
Wordalizer is a “word cloud” generator written in JavaScript for InDesign CS4 and CS5 (Mac and Win). The current stable release (v. 1.25) is based on a new lexical parser that runs up to 100X faster than the previous beta! It also provides a number of improvements and new features: 6 source languages supported, a full word list editor, session-persistent settings, ability to rework from the active cloud, control of the minimum word length, “rarest words” option, 15 color shemes... “This script is cool, hot, and sick all at the same time. I love it.” — David Blatner, InDesignSecrets.
Comment soigner les orphelins de fin de paragraphe
January 14, 2010 | Extras | fr
Pour des raisons que j'aurais du mal à appuyer sur des bases orthotypographiques solides, j'éprouve de l'empathie pour les mots isolés. Quand InDesign décide — fût-ce avec les meilleurs arguments du monde — de rejeter à la ligne le dernier terme d'un paragraphe, une sorte de frisson communautaire me saisit. Par des moyens pas toujours avouables, je tente alors de raccrocher le wagon à son prédécesseur, quitte à lui antéposer manuellement une espace insécable justifiante. Beurk ! Et si l'on appelait les « Styles Grep » à la rescousse...
Wordalizer | A Tribute to Wordle
January 08, 2010 | Wordalizer | en | fr
This post is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.
Wordalizer is a word cloud builder for InDesign CS4. Try now the beta version of this experimental script —inpired by the magnificent Wordle web tool created by Jonathan Feinberg.
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