
Automating InDesign since 2009

InDesign Magazine Special Reprint: Most Valuable Plug-Ins

IndyFont named one of the Top 10 Most Valuable Plug-ins in InDesign Magazine #137!

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SmartSort 1.05 | New Design, New Options

Many thanks to Peter Kahrel for his valuable suggestions and samples regarding word-by-word and letter-by-letter systems. SmartSort 1.05 is out in a fresh skin with more detailed—and relevant—options. (To upgrade from the beta release, quit InDesign, replace the old SmartSort.jsx file and restart the application.)

GREP et InDesign, deuxième édition

GREP et InDesign, nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, par Laurent TournierBref billet pour aviser nos lecteurs de la nouvelle édition du guide de référence GREP et InDesign de Laurent Tournier. Hébergée par et délivrée au format PDF pour la (trop) modique somme de 10 €, cette nouvelle mouture répond aux requêtes de mise à jour qui n'en finissaient plus de submerger l'auteur. Il faut dire que l'édition inaugurale (publiée à l'époque chez Dunod) datait de… 2009 ! On imagine qu'en onze ans pas mal de nouveautés et de subtilités se sont insinuées dans le moteur d'expressions régulières d'InDesign. Ce nouveau volume, intelligemment retravaillé sur le fond et sur la forme, devrait combler les insatiables du GREP pour la décennie à venir…

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What's New in IdExtenso 2.00601

IdExtenso: ExtendScript Framework for InDesign Ninjas

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Why You Should Never Use `x==null` in ExtendScript

The Japanese scripter あるふぁ found a bug affecting any ExtendScript code based on ...==null. This is not a critical issue (because experienced developers never use such condition!) but the case provides the opportunity to summarize important rules regarding falsey values and the equality operator…

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Échantillonnez vos glyphes avec DeliverGlyphs

Jean loup Fusz vient de mettre en ligne DeliverGlyphs, un script InDesign qui produit instantanément, dans un intervalle donné, le jeu de glyphes de la police courante. Simple, propre, efficace.

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InstantUnicode | Insert Characters by Typing their Codepoint

Many fonts offer a wide range of Unicode characters. Does your text require a 'Ű'? Minion Pro has it. Go to U+0170 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE. Or do you need an umbrella glyph? Segoe UI Emoji supports U+2602… Of course you can access any element from the Glyphs panel, but when you already know the codepoint to be rendered, why not just ask InDesign to parse the code you've just entered?…

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Getting Started with Claquos 3.0 — by Mike Rankin

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Claquos 2020 is out!

The new version of Claquos for InDesign will blow your eyes...

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On the Hidden “Em-Box” Option

A secret Baseline Option is available in InDesign…

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IndexMatic² | Dealing with Homonyms

Whichever tool you use to generate an index from your InDesign document, handling homonyms remains a delicate problem. Only humans—or at least smart algorithms—can determine which index entry should be associated to an ambiguous expression. Let's summarize some strategies or workarounds that IndexMatic² supports…

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SelToPlaceholder | Get Your Selection “Lorem-Ipsumed”

Selection-to-Placeholder script for InDesign CS6/CC

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Feature Request | Could InDesign Make “No Break” Smarter?

While hyphenation settings can be adjusted at the Paragraph level, Character options only provide a boolean “No Break” attribute which prevents line breaks whatever the location of the text in the layout. There are cases where this binary parameter seems too rigid…

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InstantVariable | Quickly Edit your InDesign Variables

InstantVariable for InDesign CS6/CC

Some InDesign documents rely on a set of user-defined text variables that expect to be updated on every new project. Think about that ISBN number which appears at different places and must be edited consistently. Variables are great, but InDesign makes them painful to handle. Hence the present script, which automatically opens an edit box whenever a variable is selected…

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HOTFIX | InDesign CC 2019 (14.0.2) MacOS

On June 27, Adobe has released a KBdoc hotfix which is required on any macOS platform to get our products working in InDesign 14.0.2.

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“ScriptUI Dialog Builder” by Joonas Pääkkö

Simple, clean, and interactive tool for building ScriptUI dialogs.

A few weeks ago, the Finnish developer Joonas Pääkkö soberly released a web app for designing ScriptUI dialogs, from scratch, just using a graphical interface. In the words of G. Singelmann, a truly amazing “ScriptUI Scaffolder.” Prepare to be wowed…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #13

Here are nine useful InDesign scripts extracted from one year of debate in the scripting branch of There are snippets for every taste—text, layout, graphics, geometry, UI—so take a look!

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A “Symbol-to-Greek” Snippet for InDesign

Let's convert Symbol letters into true Greek characters.

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InDesign Swatches: Diagram

DOM Swatches: properties and relationships.

IndexMatic² and End Notes

Maybe you now use InDesign endnotes, and maybe you would like to capture and index strings found in this area. Alas! IndexMatic² has no endnote-related option. It just lets you include or exclude footnotes. Does this mean it won't scan endnotes at all?…

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