Update: version 2.03 now available!

BookBarcode Pro English Interface (Mac OS)

Key features

• Mac OS and Windows platforms.

English (default), French and German user interface. BookBarcode auto-detects your InDesign locale.

• Full compliance with the EAN-13 barcoding standard (GS1 System). BookBarcode can build, check and manage EAN-13 barcodes used in worldwide retail.

Additional ISBN-13 verification algorithm.— BookBarcode provides publishers with careful control of the ISBN-13 structure: the script parses the Registration Group Element, the Registrant Element and the Publication Element, which helps you validate any ISBN code in compliance with the International ISBN Agency specifications.

Virtual Fonts. — BookBarcode does not require any specific font to be installed on your system: it internally creates its own digit outlines and emulates several “virtual typefaces” including the OCR-B standard (ANSI X3.49-1975).

A few sample barcodes rendered by BookBarcode.

• BookBarcode lets you instantly edit, update, resize, rotate, and/or re-style any barcode it has previously produced: just select the object in your InDesign document, and run the script!

• BookBarcode can attach and synchronize a custom ISBN text frame to an existing barcode. (See the animation below.)

• Fast and powerful, BookBarcode is an extremely light program: < 400 Kb!

Note to EANDesign users. — Although BookBarcode is based on an improved algorithm, and offers many new features, it is backward compatible with the old EANDesign barcode format. To upgrade an EANDesign barcode, simply select the object and run BookBarcode!

Try it!

The TRY version of BookBarcode is not limited in time, and allows you to create as many barcodes as you need. However, the customization features are disabled, the ISBN text frame synchronization is not supported, and a 30-second timer is used.

If you wish to use BookBarcode as a production tool, consider to purchase a PRO version license.

Note. — A detailed presentation of BookBarcode Pro is provided by Jean-Christophe Courte on Urbanbike (French).

Installation. — The TRY and the PRO version are both provided in the same format, a single JavaScript jsxbin file that you simply need to put in your Scripts Panel folder. The script is instantly available in the InDesign Scripts panel.

Note. — If you cannot find the location of your Scripts Panel folder, run InDesign and display the Scripts panel (Window > Automation > Scripts). Then right-click the Application folder if you need the script to be used by all users, or the User folder if you need the script to be used only by the current user. In the fly-out menu, pick Reveal in Explorer (Windows) or Reveal in Finder (Mac OS). If there is not already a Scripts Panel subfolder within the revealed Scripts folder, create here a new folder named Scripts Panel.

Purchase BookBarcode Pro (secure payment & instant download)