InDesign Scripts and Tools — Directories, Reviews

01 | Indiscripts Products Page (EN)
The very best of Indiscripts at a glance.

02 | Scriptopedia (EN|FR)
A growing library of scripts for the desktop publishing Adobe software.

03 | InDesign Snippets (EN)
New prolific blog focusing on InDesign scripts and offering a lot of reusable JS snippets.

04 | Die 10 besten (gratis) InDesign Scripts (DE)
Ten InDesign scripts you must have! (German review.)

05 | InDesign Script/GREP Links and other useful resources (EN)
Amazing GREP & scripting-oriented resources, by Peter Kahrel.

06 | InDesign Scripts sorted by Categories (EN)
Great collection of ID scripts introduced by Kasyan Servetsky.

07 | Scripts from Tokyo for InDesign CS4 (JP)
A set of useful snippets (for InDesign CS4) described in Japanese.

08 | InDesignSecrets Podcast #116 (EN)
InDesignSecrets podcast covering amazing free scripts and more!

09 | Automatización en InDesign (ES, PDF)
Spanish eBook (PDF) focusing on GREP and scripting, from Ivan Gomez.

10 | In-Tools plugins (EN)
In-Tools Plugins now CS5 compatible.

InDesign Scripts and Tools — By Topics

Footnotes and Sidenotes

11 | Footnotes in columns (EN)
Script from Peter Kahrel (InDesign CS4 and later).

12 | Dynamic Sidenotes (EN)
Another great Peter's script updated for InDesign CS4 and later.

13 | ReFoot (EN)
A script to convert markup text into InDesign footnotes.

Graphics and Charts

14 | Wordalizer (EN)
Create printable word clouds within InDesign (CS4 and later).
Wordalizer on the Web:
Frequently Asked Questions (EN)
Jongware's tribute to Wordalizer in the Adobe InDesign Forum (EN)
Great demo of the script in Urbanbike, by Jean-Christophe Courte (FR)
Wordalizer Entry on Scriptopedia (EN)
David Blatner's review on InDesign Secrets (EN)
Bulgarian review (BG)
Sample Word Cloud used in the French eBook “Influence et réputation sur l'Internet” (PDF)
French Review in ActuaLitté, by Cécile Mazin (FR)
Portuguese Review in Incunabulo (PT)

15 | Extrude (EN)
Extrude your objects in inDesign, a Jongware's script reviewed on Scriptopedia.

16 | Claquos (EN)
Pie Charts builder for InDesign CS4/CS5.
Claquos on the Web:
- “Cool Pie Charts Script for InDesign: Claquos 2”, by David Blatner (EN)
- Claquos reviewed in Bulgarian on (BG)
- Scriptopedia's review (EN).
- French demo on Urbanbike (FR).

17 | WordlMap (EN)
Just want to see something else than text? Here is a crazy Jongware's script!

18 | Spirographs — a.k.a. “Guillochés” (EN)
Yet another fabulous Jongware's script that draws spiral graphics patterns.

19 | Editable Line Charts (EN)
Make editable line charts with InDesign, an impressive work from Dmitriy Lapaev — Scriptopedia's review.

GREP and RegEx

20 | Peter Kahrel's GREP Utilities (EN)
The awesome collection of Peter Kahrel's scripts related to GREP (GREP Editor, chained queries, style report...).

21 | GREP : la panoplie parfaite (FR)
Useful GREP tools studied in French by Laurent Tournier (Indigrep).

22 | Automatication's Multi-Find/Change (EN)
Written by the brilliant Martinho, ‘MFC’ is hailed as one of the best 2010's scripted plugin. It allows you to manage and execute batches of saved Find/Change queries in InDesign and InCopy.

23 | What the GREP!? (EN)
A Jongware's script that gives sense to any GREP expression (InDesign CS4). Useful for GREP newbies... and others!

24 | 37 Ready-to-Use RegEx (EN)
A collection of tested PHP, Perl, and JavaScript Regular Expressions (Virtuosi Media).

25 | GREP Mapper (PDF, EN)
Table of underrated Unicode Properties and Subproperties in InDesign GREP, by Peter Kahrel.

26 | RegExr (EN)
Pretty well-designed online RegEx testing tool.

27 | Using GREP Styles to Format HTML Code (EN + FR)
A brilliant trick presented by Claudio Marconato at the Print and ePublishing Conference in Seattle (InDesignSecrets reprint). See also, in French: “Styles GREP et HTML dynamique sous InDesign” (Indigrep).

28 | Creating an index for ePUB using GREP (EN)
An interesting approach of ePUB index processing based on InDesign GREP, by Liz Castro.

Images and Image Links

29 | Make links from pasted images (EN)
Scriptopedia's review of Peter Kahrel's ‘DumpPastedImages’ script.

30 | Bild auf Blitzer prüfen (DE)
A few lines of JavaScript to detect slightly offseted images within their frame (InDesignBlog — in German).

31 | FlyingButtons, a Script to Automate PDF Portfolios (EN)
Control your PDF images within sophisticated interactive buttons with InDesign. See also: UrbanBike's review and demo, in French.

32 | Scale Graphics Script (EN)
Need to scale placed graphics en-mass? In-Tools ‘ScaleGraphics’ comes to the rescue!

33 | Resize All Images to 100% (EN)
Great and simple script written by Kasyan Servetsky (Scriptopedia's review).

Text Processing and Layout

34 | MT-Scripts: MathType Equations in InDesign (RU / EN)
A very promising Russian project designed for InDesign CS3 and later, from Mikizil Vladislav. See also this older page in English: MT-Scripts.

35 | Fun With Text Fitting in InDesign! (EN)
In-Tools master playing with various text fitting options.

36 | Merge several text frames (EN)
The famous Justin Putney's ‘MergeTextframes’ script reviewed on Scriptopedia.

37 | TextExporter 3 (EN)
Export all the stories of an InDesign document into a single file. A powerful product designed by Rorohiko.

38 | Tableaux et fusion de données (FR)
A better way to commingle table with data merge, by Loic Aigon (French article).

39 | Apply Semibold with a keyboard shortcut (EN)
Semibold is not an option in the InDesign Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, but this Peter Kahrel's script is an option!

40 | Composer en arabe sous InDesign CS4 (FR)
How to enable the World-Ready Paragraph Composer through scripting (French article).

41 | MS Word to InDesign CS4 — укрощение строптивых. Эпизод 2 (RU)
On importing text from Word to InDesign CS3/CS4, technical discussion and useful macros, in Russian.


42 | Wasserzeichen in InDesign CS5 (DE)
Manage InDesign CS5 watermarks with a script, by Gerald Singelmann (German article).

43 | Show/hide Local Formatting in InDesign CS4/CS5 (EN)
An hidden feature which is only available through scripting!

44 | Split Long InDesign Files into Smaller Ones (EN)
Loic Aigon's ‘ExtractPages’ script reviewed in InDesignSecrets by Anne-Marie Concepcion.

45 | Self-running slide show script (EN)
Automatically advance from slide to slide in presentation mode (InDesign CS5). Script from Keith Gilbert. See also, in French, “Diaporama automatique dans InDesign CS5”.

46 | Automatically Generate Sudoku-Puzzles (EN)
Create brand new, unique Sudoku puzzles directly into an InDesign CS5 document (Rorohiko).

47 | Send Swatches to Flash (EN)
Throw all your InDesign (or Illustrator) swatches into the active Flash project. Justin Putney's script demoed on Scriptopedia.

48 | Quick Reference Script (EN)
Taking the pain out of cross reference creation… (In-Tools).

49 | Rhimposition Script Set (RU)
A set of scripts for InDesign CS3/CS4/CS5, designed to make the process of imposition easier and more affordable, by Nikita Rokotyan. (Page in Russian.)

50 | Extract Metadata with Adobe XMP (EN)
Two great articles from InDesign Snippets exploring the way to use the AdobeXMPScript library through External Object, and much more.

See also: “InDiScripts Top 80 Autumn Links.”
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