As the user manual is still being finalized, there may be some little-known or underrated HurryCover 3 features that you may have missed. Want to save time when designing advanced book covers in InDesign? Here are the best shortcuts and hidden tricks…
Tag : Tutorial
IndexMatic³ | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]
January 22, 2024 | IndexMatic³ | en | fr
With its hundreds of interconnected features and its documentation erected in front of you like a Gothic cathedral, IndexMatic³ will undoubtedly inspire you with this fateful question: where to start? And we often start with something concrete, a specific problem that needs to be solved right now. The purpose of this page is to guide you quickly and clearly into the inner workings of the program, from the questions most frequently asked to the tech support…
Porting your InDesign Script into IdExtenso — Step 5
October 19, 2021 | Tips | en
In this episode we seriously improve the relationship between user settings and user interface. As a result, we get a smart InDesign script that both remembers the choices the user made within the session and adapts to the context, that is, whether the script should target the selection or a larger scope…
Porting your InDesign Script into IdExtenso — Step 4
October 09, 2021 | Tips | en
The previous episode dealt with modularity in IdExtenso, now is the time to take full advantage of it! Today we will see how to add a dialog interacting with user options. You will be amazed at how quickly this component fits into the script…
Porting your InDesign Script into IdExtenso — Step 3
September 24, 2021 | Tips | en
In this episode, you will learn how to arrange your code so that it fits into IdExtenso's “modular space.” Modularity is a key term when it comes to maintaining a large-scale project. Even if our sample script is not in itself of pharaonic complexity, we will transform it, as an exercise, into a pure module…
Porting your InDesign Script into IdExtenso — Step 2
September 15, 2021 | Tips | en
Today we will embed in IdExtenso the code we prepared in the previous episode. That's of course an important move, especially when you perform it for the very first time (since then you need to install the framework.) But you will discover in what follows the immediate advantages that $$ offers you…
Porting your InDesign Script into IdExtenso — Step 1
September 07, 2021 | Tips | en
So, you have the root idea and a basic code for your next InDesign script. All is fine. It works so well that you're now planning to release it, which opens additional questions: Will it work everywhere? How do I trace risky functions? What if I need to integrate new features later on? How do I deal with persistent user settings? How to add a basic interface? How will I localize the dialog in other languages? Can I make my script available in a dedicated menu? Will it work in a JSXBIN package as well? Can I obfuscate my code?…
IndexMatic² | Dealing with Homonyms
December 06, 2019 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Whichever tool you use to generate an index from your InDesign document, handling homonyms remains a delicate problem. Only humans—or at least smart algorithms—can determine which index entry should be associated to an ambiguous expression. Let's summarize some strategies or workarounds that IndexMatic² supports…
PhysicalSize | Check Your Design At True 1:1 Magnification
February 08, 2019 | PhysicalSize | en | fr
Every InDesign user must accept this boring fact: “100% size preview is not actual size”. Because of this old unsolved flaw, graphic designers, layout artists, typographers… cannot trust the so-called “Actual Size” command. With PhysicalSize you will be able to recover your sight…
FillBleed | Fix Image Frames so they Meet the Bleed Edge [Update]
July 11, 2018 | Snippets | en | fr
IndexMatic² Quick Demo | Last-Name, First-Name Queries
March 17, 2018 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Collecting proper names is one of the most common tasks assigned to IndexMatic². While the best strategy remains the one based on character styles, not all InDesign books are prepared to receive style-driven queries. Instead, you may have a comprehensive list of <LastName>,
Resizing vs. Rescaling in Equalizer
February 23, 2018 | Equalizer | en | fr
User's question: “What's the difference between Multiply by and Rescale to in Equalizer? It looks like both functions have the same effect on the targeted frames of my document.” Very good question indeed! Let's reveal the little subtleties behind it…
How to Shuffle Characters the Right Way
January 15, 2018 | Snippets | en | fr
While fine-tuning a layout you usually need to put some dummy text in your template. The common way to fill a frame with lorem-ipsum-like data is to call Type > Fill with Placeholder Text
. But sometimes you already have an actual text in place, and then your missing feature is the ability to scramble existing characters. Thanks to IdExtenso we can write a nice and fast scrambler, based on Markov chains…
Customize InDesign Hyphens with IndyFont
May 18, 2017 | IndyFont | en | fr
While both IndyFont and Unicode support hyphen variants such as U+2010 HYPHEN
, and of course U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN
, it looks like InDesign does not clearly distinguish character from glyph paradigm in this particular topic. In short, InDesign tends to render all hyphen characters using the same prototypical glyph, which is not necessarily in line with your desire…
Tutoriel Wordalizer : répéter des mots N fois
September 30, 2016 | Wordalizer | fr
Un utilisateur (heureux !) de Wordalizer me demande comment répéter les mêmes termes, par exemple cent fois, dans un nuage de mots. Bien que la boîte de dialogue principale ne permette pas de dupliquer automatiquement les éléments de la liste, il est très facile de résoudre le problème en amont, dans InDesign, puis de fournir à Wordalizer la liste intégrale prête à mouliner. L'occasion d'un petit tutoriel rigolo…
Using IndexMatic² in conjunction with Wordalizer
September 07, 2015 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
IndexMatic² is very good at finding recurring text patterns in a document (brands, products, proper names, URLs…) and Wordalizer is very good at making customizable word clouds based on item frequencies. Here is how you can branch the former to the latter…
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