Tag : Style
Please, InDesign, Show Me a Sample of That Style!
March 23, 2023 | Snippets | en | fr
Trivial story: you just have reopened an old InDesign document — or even a fresh one — and dozens of obscure names populate the style panels. You do not remember what that pesky “TDM Sub2” style refers to, or what it looks like, or where it is used. So you'll have to run the F/C dialog, select a Find Format, etc. We have a faster solution: right-click the style and “Goto Sample”…
IndexMatic² | Dealing with Homonyms
December 06, 2019 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Whichever tool you use to generate an index from your InDesign document, handling homonyms remains a delicate problem. Only humans—or at least smart algorithms—can determine which index entry should be associated to an ambiguous expression. Let's summarize some strategies or workarounds that IndexMatic² supports…
StyLighter 1.4 for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC
November 22, 2013 | StyLighter | en | fr
Seeing is believing! StyLighter 1.4 is out and should now support InDesign CC on both Mac and Windows platforms. As already explained here this script is entirely based on a 'deep hook,' it takes advantage of an aborted functionality which Adobe has never even officially mentioned. But that great hidden feature is somewhat fossilized in the bowels of InDesign and still seems to work fine in CC (albeit with some limitations). Thanks to this, StyLighter allows you to easily visualize how paragraph and character styles are applied in your document.
FlyingButtons: a Script to Automate PDF Portfolios
Comment soigner les orphelins de fin de paragraphe
January 14, 2010 | Extras | fr
Pour des raisons que j'aurais du mal à appuyer sur des bases orthotypographiques solides, j'éprouve de l'empathie pour les mots isolés. Quand InDesign décide — fût-ce avec les meilleurs arguments du monde — de rejeter à la ligne le dernier terme d'un paragraphe, une sorte de frisson communautaire me saisit. Par des moyens pas toujours avouables, je tente alors de raccrocher le wagon à son prédécesseur, quitte à lui antéposer manuellement une espace insécable justifiante. Beurk ! Et si l'on appelait les « Styles Grep » à la rescousse...
Grep Style Gradual Stretch
June 04, 2009 | Extras | en | fr
Is it possible to automatically stretch a text according to its length? The question is simple and the answer is not that complex, thanks to the InDesign Grep Styles.