
Automating InDesign since 2009

Tag : Roundup

InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #13

Here are nine useful InDesign scripts extracted from one year of debate in the scripting branch of There are snippets for every taste—text, layout, graphics, geometry, UI—so take a look!

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #12

Hey scripters, are you familiar with InDesign events, event listeners, menu actions, idle tasks? That's the hot focus of the 12th ISFR. Plus a fine selection of threads and snippets involving GREP, text, CMYK swatches, IDML, transformations… Enjoy the ride!

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #11

What's on the menu for this 11th episode? My personal selection of the most interesting, verbose, and technical discoveries that took place in the InDesign Scripting Forum within the last eight months. Each topic (and code snippet!) will teach you something you probably didn't even suspect…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #10

InDesign scripts may involve unexpectedly complicate solutions for addressing tasks that seemed initially quite easy, as well as unexpectedly simple codes for solving crooked problems! The mood of the 10th episode of our ISFR series reflects this ambivalence quite well. As usual I try to focus on scripts, snippets, and methods, that open up powerful tracks to informed developers…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #9

Here is the new season of the InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup series! In this new episode we shall probe various counter-intuitive concepts and behaviors of the Scripting DOM …and attempt to deliver appropriate solutions!

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #8

Summer is the ideal time to deepen your knowledge of InDesign scripting, isn't it? In this new episode of our roundup series we will investigate Page objects, style groups, and a nice selection of practical snippets. Feel free to grab and share the good stuff…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #7

Do you want to stretch your InDesign-scripting power? Check out the new episode of the ISFR series and improve your skills in managing text, characters, styles, page items, events… in an automated manner.

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #6

Just by chance, the new episode of our ISFR series focuses on two topics often considered the most complex in InDesign scripting: page coordinates on the one hand, tables and cells on the other. Here are some enlightening discussions in these areas…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #5

As pointed out by Davide Barranca in his recent Open Letter to (Adobe) Devs scripting resources appear very sparse on the Internet. At some level, this ISFR series is an attempt to keep interesting codes, snippets, and knowledge visible to InDesign scripters, from various discussions I have participated in during the last months. Let's get to the heart of the matter…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #4

Welcome in the new episode of the Scripting Forum Roundup series. Today I decided to focus on solid tricks and in-depth topics that might be of interest to experienced script developers…

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #3

Here is the third episode of the Scripting Forum Roundup(s), a selection of 18 recommended discussions and sample codes which I have contributed to over the last six months. Enjoy!

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InDesign Scripting Forum Roundup #2

As opened in the “InDesign Scripting Forum: 25 ‘sticky’ posts” article, I will regularly feed this section with recommended discussions and/or snippets which I have contributed to through the ID Scripting Forum. Here is the scripting stuff I found specially interesting over the last six months…

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InDesign Scripting Forum: 25 ‘sticky’ posts [roundup]

The InDesign Scripting Forum is an ideal place to post scripting recipes and to address technical issues. I learn a lot from its famous contributors —Dave Saunders, Harbs, Jongware, Peter Kahrel, Kasyan Servetsky, Marijan Tompa… At odd times I post my own brainchilds. Here is a small selection of snippets and topics that I think are worthwhile.

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