
Automating InDesign since 2009

Tag : Regular Expressions

IndexMatic³ | Hidden Treasures of the ~format Directive

IndexMatic³ Expert for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5/CS4)IndexMatic users have long been faced with the following problem: when the client provides a list of index entries and adds extra information (birthdates, etc), how can the query list be adjusted accordingly? Introduced with iX³, the ~format directive offers an efficient solution…

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IndexMatic³ | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]

With its hundreds of interconnected features and its documentation erected in front of you like a Gothic cathedral, IndexMatic³ will undoubtedly inspire you with this fateful question: where to start? And we often start with something concrete, a specific problem that needs to be solved right now. The purpose of this page is to guide you quickly and clearly into the inner workings of the program, from the questions most frequently asked to the tech support…

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What’s New in IndexMatic³ [UPDATE]

Imagine you can extract, quantify, analyze and index every bit of text from your InDesign documents, in any language, based on your own criteria: a predefined word list, a set of fine-tuned regular expressions, such or such character styles or containers. This tool has just been born and is called IndexMatic³.

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The Hard Problem of Quantified Alternatives in ExtendScript

In most cases, ExtendScript regular expressions cannot digest the (a|b)+ scheme. This bug is not new, but it's worth defining its symptoms and extent. This article presents a very simple problem, with no known solution to date…

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How to Emulate a Lookbehind in IndexMatic²

IndexMatic², independent index builder for InDesign Although most GREP patterns are supported in IndexMatic², lookbehind is not. This operator allows you to capture a match only if some particular pattern occurs BEFORE it. Under certain circumstances you might need to build an index based on such fine-tuned queries. Let's see how to get around the wall…

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The Tricky Side of `string.replace( )` in ExtendScript

When you invoke myString.replace(...) in pure JavaScript, the “string being examined” is and remains myString during the whole operation. ExtendScript offers a slightly different mechanism that may unexpectedly alter the output string…

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GREP et InDesign, deuxième édition

GREP et InDesign, nouvelle édition revue et augmentée, par Laurent TournierBref billet pour aviser nos lecteurs de la nouvelle édition du guide de référence GREP et InDesign de Laurent Tournier. Hébergée par et délivrée au format PDF pour la (trop) modique somme de 10 €, cette nouvelle mouture répond aux requêtes de mise à jour qui n'en finissaient plus de submerger l'auteur. Il faut dire que l'édition inaugurale (publiée à l'époque chez Dunod) datait de… 2009 ! On imagine qu'en onze ans pas mal de nouveautés et de subtilités se sont insinuées dans le moteur d'expressions régulières d'InDesign. Ce nouveau volume, intelligemment retravaillé sur le fond et sur la forme, devrait combler les insatiables du GREP pour la décennie à venir…

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« Grep et InDesign » en PDF, le site du Grep de Laurent TournierMon confrère Laurent Tournier, animateur du site, rend disponible au format PDF son fameux guide GREP et InDesign CS3/CS4 pour la modique somme de 10 €. À ne pas manquer !

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IndexMatic² | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]

IndexMatic² is without doubt one of the most advanced word indexing scripts ever available to publishers, authors, book designers who use InDesign (CS3, CS4, and CS5+). There are many ways to configure, refine and handle its features. Users gradually discover that what they thought was impossible is, in fact, definitely within scope of the product. The purpose of this page is to boost your learning curve through concrete Q&A.

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Making String.split() support U+0000 in ExtendScript CS4

For obscure reasons ExtendScript 3.x is somewhat allergic to the character "\x00" (U+0000). Some String and RegExp routines become silently defective as soon as your source string contains one or more NUL character. Although most of these bugs have been fixed in CS5 (ExtendScript 4.1), this still leads to compatibility and portability issues. Here is a snippet that allows to split any string and get proper results in all versions.

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Cyclic GREP Styles

Color Cycle based on GREP Styles.

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ExtendScript RegExp Tester

Test your Regular Expressions in ExtendScript

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IndexMatic 2.025 | New-Release Notes

Notice to all indexing experts! IndexMatic 2.025 for InDesign has just been released with an impressive number of new features and goodies: the Hit Report retrieves words and stats before indexing, the Query Editor has been entirely redesigned, queries now allow comments and cross-references, and finally IndexMatic² regular expressions support Unicode properties and five additional metacharacters “you can't live without.”

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ShowHideQuotes : révélateur de citations

Le script ShowHideQuotes permet de révéler / masquer automatiquement les passages entre guillemets du document actif.

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IndexMatic² | Public Release and User's Guide

IndexMatic² is a powerful and highly configurable word-indexing tool for InDesign CS3, CS4, and CS5+ (Mac and Win). The present release (v. 2.02) offers completely new features: ‘sub-topic’ processing, XML export, InDesign snippet generation, and much more! “This script is a truly wonderful achievement. It's versatile, clever, and lightning fast, and the options are sensible.”—Peter Kahrel, June 2011.

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Introducing IndexMatic²

IndexMatic² for InDesign is an indexing tool for those of you who make books or long documents in InDesign. This new version is derived from two scripts I've worked on several years ago —formerly IndexBrutal and IndexMatic 1,— but the code has been entirely redesigned to offer new features and higher performance…

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« Grep et InDesign CS3/CS4 »

« Grep et InDesign CS3/CS4 », par Laurent Tournier, à paraître chez Dunod

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