Imagine you can extract, quantify, analyze and index every bit of text from your InDesign documents, in any language, based on your own criteria: a predefined word list, a set of fine-tuned regular expressions, such or such character styles or containers. This tool has just been born and is called IndexMatic³.
Tag : PDF
Coordinate Spaces & Transformations in InDesign [UPDATE]
October 14, 2021 | Tips | en
Coordinate Spaces & Transformations is a free eBook covering all atomic subjects that a InDesign scripter or developer should grab before using transformation matrices and the related methods. The last update has minor corrections and notes…
GREP et InDesign, deuxième édition
June 26, 2020 | Extras | fr
Bref billet pour aviser nos lecteurs de la nouvelle édition du guide de référence GREP et InDesign de Laurent Tournier. Hébergée par et délivrée au format PDF pour la (trop) modique somme de 10 €, cette nouvelle mouture répond aux requêtes de mise à jour qui n'en finissaient plus de submerger l'auteur. Il faut dire que l'édition inaugurale (publiée à l'époque chez Dunod) datait de… 2009 ! On imagine qu'en onze ans pas mal de nouveautés et de subtilités se sont insinuées dans le moteur d'expressions régulières d'InDesign. Ce nouveau volume, intelligemment retravaillé sur le fond et sur la forme, devrait combler les insatiables du GREP pour la décennie à venir…
IDUG Paris : présentation IdExtenso [PDF]
May 23, 2018 | Extras | fr
Ce mardi, l'équipe du InDesign User Group Paris a accueilli votre serviteur en grandes pompes — enfin, pointure 42, n'exagérons rien — pour une initiation en douceur au framework IdExtenso. Plutôt que de m'égarer dans une technicité inaudible, j'ai profité de cette invitation pour rassembler quelques repères sur le scripting InDesign, échantillons à l'appui, avec des pistes pour les développeurs plus motivés. En résulte un PDF que j'ai la faiblesse de tenir pour un bon préambule si vous vous lancez dans l'automatisation pour InDesign : IdExtenso-Slides.pdf (1,4 Mo).
« Grep et InDesign » en PDF
February 02, 2017 | Extras | fr
Mon confrère Laurent Tournier, animateur du site, rend disponible au format PDF son fameux guide GREP et InDesign CS3/CS4 pour la modique somme de 10 €. À ne pas manquer !
Coordinate Spaces & Transformations in InDesign — Chap.4 (Draft)
June 14, 2016 | Tips | en
Chapter 4 of our “Spaces & Transform” eBook is probably both the trickiest and the most important. It tries to reveal the intricacies behind the Scripting DOM resolve()
method, the unique tool for setting and processing InDesign locations with respect to the underlying coordinate systems. I spent months figuring out its obscure syntax and improving my knowledge on that particular topic. Understanding the location resolver is a crucial step for developing scripts that can deal in depth with geometry and transformations in InDesign.
Coordinate Spaces & Transformations in InDesign — Chap.1-3
October 18, 2015 | Tips | en
Dealing with coordinate spaces and transformation matrices is one of the most obscure and underappreciated exercises in InDesign scripting and programming. The fault mainly lies with Adobe documentation, especially the Scripting DOM reference, which does not clearly explain the topic and some of its essential keys. The following document (PDF, Chapters 1-3) attempts to shed some light on the beast…
So What's New in InDesign CC Scripting DOM
June 18, 2013 | Extras | en
Considering the size of the PDF, below, you could think that InDesign CC offers plenty of new features. But that's just an optical illusion! In fact, the vast majority of members introduced into the Scripting DOM regard QR Code's API, which is based on the recurring methods createEmailQRCode()
, createHyperlinkQRCode()
, createPlainTextQRCode()
, createTextMsgQRCode()
, and createVCardQRCode()
Apart from that a very small number of innovations is identifiable in the scripting area of InDesign CC—most are relative to look-and-feel and EPUB Export options. What is not highlighted here, however, is the fact that many ScriptUI features are now broken, or partially locked. The new InDesign skin subsystem introduces drastic limitations in the way scripters can customize oldschool user interfaces. For example, ScriptUI fonts do not seem to be supported anymore, and many event types or listeners (focus
, onDraw
…) are quite defective for various widgets. Also, FlashPlayer embedding leads to critical issues—as it has been reported that invokePlayerFunction()
just does not work anymore. In short: very bad news for InDesign developers!
• See also:
— “So What's New in InDesign CS6 Scripting DOM”
— “So What's New in InDesign CS5.5 Scripting DOM”
— “So What's New in InDesign CS5 Scripting DOM”
So What's New in InDesign CS6 Scripting DOM
June 06, 2012 | Extras | en
InDesign CS6 is full of new features, which explains the size (98 pages) of the Object Members part in our tracking-change PDF below. Of course many additions regard interactivity, form behaviors and the related events. The Scripting DOM now includes the following ubiquitous collections: checkBoxes
, comboBoxes
, listBoxes
, radioButtons
, signatureFields
, textBoxes
. A number of existing objects have been extended accordingly.
Besides, there are many interesting additions to discover and experiment. Have fun!
• See also:
— “So What's New in InDesign CS5.5 Scripting DOM”
— “So What's New in InDesign CS5 Scripting DOM”
So What's New in InDesign CS5.5 Scripting DOM
April 11, 2011 | Extras | en
The interesting thing about tracking Scripting DOM changes from InDesign CS5 to InDesign CS5.5 is that this instantly reveals the main innovations of this ‘mid-cycle’ release —so that scripters can easily focus on the freshest features. The below PDFs offer you in a snap the tip of the iceberg: the new Article
component and a bunch of new export options (HTMLExportPreference
, EPubExportPreference
, StyleExportTagMap
, ObjectExportOption
) that indicate the much greater integration of InDesign EPUB and digital publishing capabilities. Enjoy!
• See also: “So What's New in InDesign CS5 Scripting DOM”
Wordalizer 1.25 | Create Word Clouds in InDesign
April 07, 2010 | Wordalizer | en | fr
This post is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.
Wordalizer is a “word cloud” generator written in JavaScript for InDesign CS4 and CS5 (Mac and Win). The current stable release (v. 1.25) is based on a new lexical parser that runs up to 100X faster than the previous beta! It also provides a number of improvements and new features: 6 source languages supported, a full word list editor, session-persistent settings, ability to rework from the active cloud, control of the minimum word length, “rarest words” option, 15 color shemes... “This script is cool, hot, and sick all at the same time. I love it.” — David Blatner, InDesignSecrets.