
Automating InDesign since 2009

Tag : Pasteboard

HurryCover³ | Make Book Covers & Jackets in InDesign

It’s official! Building a book cover in InDesign will no longer be a geometric nightmare. The new edition of HurryCover is intended to be a definitive answer to the puzzle of complex templates: with or without flaps, with or without wrap, whether you need a hinge margin or a physical spine gap, the template generated by HurryCover³ remains 100% resizable, even if you have already set up the graphic elements of your artwork…

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Scripting: How to Position InDesign Guides

Now, can you tell what X and Y are?InDesign guides are funny creatures. Whether or not they are assigned to a page via the fitToPage property, they remain firmly anchored to the geometry of the spread they belong to. The most mysterious thing is their location attribute, which does not obey all the principles ordinarily weighing on rulers coordinates. This article explores how to determine correct positions in all scenarios…

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PageBorder | Show your Clients the Limits! [UPDATE]

PageBorder UI (script for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5/CS4).

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Clean up your Pasteboard! [UPDATE]

With CleanupPasteboard, let's get rid of the unnecessary objects left on the pasteboard

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HurryCover 2.022 | InDesign CC Compatibility Patch

24-May-2024 OUTDATED POST. Please, go to the main product page for further details.

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HurryCover 2 | Public PRO Release and User's Guide

24-May-2024 OUTDATED POST. Please, go to the main product page for further details.

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Pasteboard Expander for InDesign CS5-CS6

Is there a way to enlarge the pasteboard in that particular area?

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TotalRescale | Last-Minute Layout Adjustment

TotalRescale for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5 makes it easy to shift and/or rescale your layout.

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Transforming Spreads in InDesign CS4-CS5!

Wanna scale, rotate, skew spreads in InDesign? This ‘feature’ is available since CS4!

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Dealing with Rotated Spread Views in a Script

“Rotate the spread view” is a nice feature introduced in InDesign CS4. It will prevent you from getting a stiff neck when working on rotated contents such as book spine or landscape tables. Great! Now the bad news: it seems that the DOM does not provide any means to check a rotated spread by scripting. No property, no access method. So what?

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