
Automating InDesign since 2009

Tag : Wordalizer

InDesign 2025 — Everything Works Fine!

Good news! All essential indiscripts tools run fine in InDesign 20.0 (macOS/Windows)

HOTFIX | InDesign CC 2019 (14.0.2) MacOS

On June 27, Adobe has released a KBdoc hotfix which is required on any macOS platform to get our products working in InDesign 14.0.2.

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Tutoriel Wordalizer : répéter des mots N fois

Wordalizer 1.5 pour InDesign CS4-CCUn utilisateur (heureux !) de Wordalizer me demande comment répéter les mêmes termes, par exemple cent fois, dans un nuage de mots. Bien que la boîte de dialogue principale ne permette pas de dupliquer automatiquement les éléments de la liste, il est très facile de résoudre le problème en amont, dans InDesign, puis de fournir à Wordalizer la liste intégrale prête à mouliner. L'occasion d'un petit tutoriel rigolo…

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Using IndexMatic² in conjunction with Wordalizer

IndexMatic² is very good at finding recurring text patterns in a document (brands, products, proper names, URLs…) and Wordalizer is very good at making customizable word clouds based on item frequencies. Here is how you can branch the former to the latter…

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Wordalizer 1.512 | Fixed the Infamous Pasteboard Bug

For over a year, a sneaky bug was preventing Wordalizer from working in some CC environments. A few users had reported a pasteboard-related error that seemed to occur without definite cause—mainly in InDesign 9.0—and the question was, how to fix a bug which I cannot reproduce on my own testing platforms? Thanks to the patience and responsiveness of Pedro Eisner, a user from Argentina, we finally hit on a solution…

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Wordalizer 2015 is out!

New version of Wordalizer will blow your eyes...

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Wordalizer 1.5 | Create Word Clouds in InDesign CS4-CC!

Here is the new release of our coolest InDesign toy! Wordalizer 1.5 for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC can now digest large corpus (up to 1,000 entries) and generate many styles of word clouds, based on geometrical patterns, color themes, or even multiple fonts! Open any source document (or book) and let Wordalizer extract the meaningful vocabulary from your text. Edit the word list as needed and adjust the settings according to your mood.

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Wordalizer 1.5 BETA [OBSOLETE]

For a few days the beta version of Wordalizer 1.5 for InDesign CS4/CS5/CS6/CC was downloadable for free. This offer is now obsolete.

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IndexMatic 2.025 | New-Release Notes

Notice to all indexing experts! IndexMatic 2.025 for InDesign has just been released with an impressive number of new features and goodies: the Hit Report retrieves words and stats before indexing, the Query Editor has been entirely redesigned, queries now allow comments and cross-references, and finally IndexMatic² regular expressions support Unicode properties and five additional metacharacters “you can't live without.”

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IndexMatic² | Public Release and User's Guide

IndexMatic² is a powerful and highly configurable word-indexing tool for InDesign CS3, CS4, and CS5+ (Mac and Win). The present release (v. 2.02) offers completely new features: ‘sub-topic’ processing, XML export, InDesign snippet generation, and much more! “This script is a truly wonderful achievement. It's versatile, clever, and lightning fast, and the options are sensible.”—Peter Kahrel, June 2011.

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Wordalizer | Frequently Asked Questions [OBSOLETE]

This FAQ is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.

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Indiscripts 1st Anniversary: 25% Special Discount! 1st AnniversaryTwelve months have passed since the publication of the first article on this website. Thanks to you visitors, bloggers, Twitter subscribers, script users and developers, gradually becomes a place to share and discover the most productive scripts for Adobe InDesign. Well, now to the gift! From today until June 6, Indiscripts offers a special 25% discount on BookBarcode and Wordalizer PRO versions. All you need to do is just fill in the order form until next sunday. Enjoy!

Wordalizer 1.25 | Create Word Clouds in InDesign

This post is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.

Wordalizer is a “word cloud” generator written in JavaScript for InDesign CS4 and CS5 (Mac and Win). The current stable release (v. 1.25) is based on a new lexical parser that runs up to 100X faster than the previous beta! It also provides a number of improvements and new features: 6 source languages supported, a full word list editor, session-persistent settings, ability to rework from the active cloud, control of the minimum word length, “rarest words” option, 15 color shemes... “This script is cool, hot, and sick all at the same time. I love it.”David Blatner, InDesignSecrets.

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Three Months of Tweets in One Cloud

What I tweeted these last three months summarized by Wordalizer 1.25 (PDF)