With its hundreds of interconnected features and its documentation erected in front of you like a Gothic cathedral, IndexMatic³ will undoubtedly inspire you with this fateful question: where to start? And we often start with something concrete, a specific problem that needs to be solved right now. The purpose of this page is to guide you quickly and clearly into the inner workings of the program, from the questions most frequently asked to the tech support…
Tag : IndexMatic²
How to Emulate a Lookbehind in IndexMatic²
January 12, 2022 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Although most GREP patterns are supported in IndexMatic², lookbehind is not. This operator allows you to capture a match only if some particular pattern occurs BEFORE it. Under certain circumstances you might need to build an index based on such fine-tuned queries. Let's see how to get around the wall…
IndexMatic² | Dealing with Homonyms
December 06, 2019 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Whichever tool you use to generate an index from your InDesign document, handling homonyms remains a delicate problem. Only humans—or at least smart algorithms—can determine which index entry should be associated to an ambiguous expression. Let's summarize some strategies or workarounds that IndexMatic² supports…
IndexMatic² and End Notes
March 14, 2019 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Maybe you now use InDesign endnotes, and maybe you would like to capture and index strings found in this area. Alas! IndexMatic² has no endnote-related option. It just lets you include or exclude footnotes. Does this mean it won't scan endnotes at all?…
IndexMatic² Quick Demo | Last-Name, First-Name Queries
March 17, 2018 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Collecting proper names is one of the most common tasks assigned to IndexMatic². While the best strategy remains the one based on character styles, not all InDesign books are prepared to receive style-driven queries. Instead, you may have a comprehensive list of <LastName>,
Using IndexMatic² in conjunction with Wordalizer
September 07, 2015 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
IndexMatic² is very good at finding recurring text patterns in a document (brands, products, proper names, URLs…) and Wordalizer is very good at making customizable word clouds based on item frequencies. Here is how you can branch the former to the latter…
IndexMatic² | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]
August 29, 2013 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
IndexMatic² is without doubt one of the most advanced word indexing scripts ever available to publishers, authors, book designers who use InDesign (CS3, CS4, and CS5+). There are many ways to configure, refine and handle its features. Users gradually discover that what they thought was impossible is, in fact, definitely within scope of the product. The purpose of this page is to boost your learning curve through concrete Q&A.
IndexMatic 2.025 | New-Release Notes
October 09, 2011 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
Notice to all indexing experts! IndexMatic 2.025 for InDesign has just been released with an impressive number of new features and goodies: the Hit Report retrieves words and stats before indexing, the Query Editor has been entirely redesigned, queries now allow comments and cross-references, and finally IndexMatic² regular expressions support Unicode properties and five additional metacharacters “you can't live without.”
IndexMatic² | Public Release and User's Guide
July 02, 2011 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
IndexMatic² is a powerful and highly configurable word-indexing tool for InDesign CS3, CS4, and CS5+ (Mac and Win). The present release (v. 2.02) offers completely new features: ‘sub-topic’ processing, XML export, InDesign snippet generation, and much more! “This script is a truly wonderful achievement. It's versatile, clever, and lightning fast, and the options are sensible.”—Peter Kahrel, June 2011.
Introducing IndexMatic²
February 26, 2011 | IndexMatic² | en | fr
IndexMatic² for InDesign is an indexing tool for those of you who make books or long documents in InDesign. This new version is derived from two scripts I've worked on several years ago —formerly IndexBrutal and IndexMatic 1,— but the code has been entirely redesigned to offer new features and higher performance…