
Automating InDesign since 2009

Tag : IndexMatic³

InDesign 2025 — Everything Works Fine!

Good news! All essential indiscripts tools run fine in InDesign 20.0 (macOS/Windows)

IndexMatic³ | Hidden Treasures of the ~format Directive

IndexMatic³ Expert for InDesign CC/CS6/CS5/CS4)IndexMatic users have long been faced with the following problem: when the client provides a list of index entries and adds extra information (birthdates, etc), how can the query list be adjusted accordingly? Introduced with iX³, the ~format directive offers an efficient solution…

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Indiscripts Temporary Archives [UPDATE]

Some scripts we designed in the past for InDesign CS/CS2/CS3—and even CS4—are no longer available or maintained. But, from time to time we still receive queries for these old files—such as IndexBrutal, IndexMatic, Claquos, Equalizer, HurryCover, BookBarcodeCS3… Here is a special repository dedicated to frustrated users.

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IndexMatic³ | Frequently Asked Questions [UPDATE]

With its hundreds of interconnected features and its documentation erected in front of you like a Gothic cathedral, IndexMatic³ will undoubtedly inspire you with this fateful question: where to start? And we often start with something concrete, a specific problem that needs to be solved right now. The purpose of this page is to guide you quickly and clearly into the inner workings of the program, from the questions most frequently asked to the tech support…

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IndexMatic³ | Compatibility Patch for InDesign 2024

Every release of InDesign — even as paltry as version 19 (labeled 2024) — finds a way to break a deep feature that has worked perfectly since the Neolithic era. This time around, Adobe disabled ScriptUI colors for text labels, sabotaging the readability of the IndexMatic³ dialog. A compatibility update is available now…

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How to Create an Index from a Style

Let's create an index from a paragraph style with IndexMatic³.

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IndexMatic³ in the Spotlight of CreativePro Magazine

If we judged the value of a magazine by the merit it gives to our work, I could tell you straight away, without further proof, that CreativePro is an excellent magazine! But that's not the real reason why I think so. In his review of IndexMatic³ published this month, Jeff Potter offers a meticulous and thoughtful exploration of what the product does and doesn't do, who it is for, from what perspective and for what purposes…

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Dualité majuscules/minuscules dans IndexMatic³ [FR]

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What’s New in IndexMatic³ [UPDATE]

Imagine you can extract, quantify, analyze and index every bit of text from your InDesign documents, in any language, based on your own criteria: a predefined word list, a set of fine-tuned regular expressions, such or such character styles or containers. This tool has just been born and is called IndexMatic³.

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À bâtons rompus chez Swash

Swash Formation, une équipe de pédagogues passionnés et créatifs.

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Are You Ready for IndexMatic³ Expert?

IndexMatic³ teaser…

HOTFIX | InDesign CC 2019 (14.0.2) MacOS

On June 27, Adobe has released a KBdoc hotfix which is required on any macOS platform to get our products working in InDesign 14.0.2.

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How to Operate IndexMatic & BookBarcode in InDesign CC

For the time being, neither IndexMatic nor BookBarcode is supposed to properly work in InDesign CC. New releases are being implemented, but this takes much more time than expected. Anyway a few weeks ago Eddy Van Hoeke from Scriptopedia found an amazing trick that makes both iX² and bB virtually compatible with the latest InDesign versions. And it boils down to one instruction…

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What Exactly is a Word?

A number of InDesign scripts manipulate words for counting, indexing, or other processing purposes. Given a text container—basically a Story—the InDesign Scripting DOM provides many ways to handle text contents through specialized subclasses of the Text interface: one can easily access to insertion points, character ranges, lines, paragraphs, text columns, styled-text chunks, and… words. Although this concept seems pretty straightforward, I tried to understand a bit better what it really means.

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Wordalizer | Frequently Asked Questions [OBSOLETE]

This FAQ is now obsolete. Please check out the new version of Wordalizer.

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