External resources and news (InDesign, scripting, and beyond).So What's New in InDesign CS5 Scripting DOM
October 02, 2010 | Extras | en
50 InDesign Scripts and Tools for End Users
August 29, 2010 | Extras | en | fr
What's in my Twitter bag from the last eight months? A lot of links, of course! The below selection only focuses on some of them —not necessarily the most popular ones, but preferably the ones you may have missed.
Indiscripts 1st Anniversary: 25% Special Discount!
May 30, 2010 | Extras | en | fr
Twelve months have passed since the publication of the first article on this website. Thanks to you visitors, bloggers, Twitter subscribers, script users and developers, Indiscripts.com gradually becomes a place to share and discover the most productive scripts for Adobe InDesign. Well, now to the gift! From today until June 6, Indiscripts offers a special 25% discount on BookBarcode and Wordalizer PRO versions. All you need to do is just fill in the order form until next sunday. Enjoy!
Comment soigner les orphelins de fin de paragraphe
January 14, 2010 | Extras | fr
Pour des raisons que j'aurais du mal à appuyer sur des bases orthotypographiques solides, j'éprouve de l'empathie pour les mots isolés. Quand InDesign décide — fût-ce avec les meilleurs arguments du monde — de rejeter à la ligne le dernier terme d'un paragraphe, une sorte de frisson communautaire me saisit. Par des moyens pas toujours avouables, je tente alors de raccrocher le wagon à son prédécesseur, quitte à lui antéposer manuellement une espace insécable justifiante. Beurk ! Et si l'on appelait les « Styles Grep » à la rescousse...
Indiscripts Top 80 Autumn Links
December 23, 2009 | Extras | en | fr
As a present for Christmas, here is a compilation of the greatest links we've tweeted during those last 3 months. An overwhelming majority regards InDesign scripting, plug-ins, GREP and/or JavaScript resources for ‘InDevelopers’.
Switching InDesign's UI Language (in Windows)
October 11, 2009 | Extras | en | fr
In a recent post, David Blatner (InDesignSecrets) offered us a free Mac OS application for InDesign to be displayed in various languages. Amazing tool for experiencing the user interface as translated for other countries. Fortunately Windows users can switch the UI too, by means of the Windows Registry.
Introducing InDesign Column Rules
September 22, 2009 | Extras | en | fr
Rules between columns are so usual —in newspapers, in technical books...— that nobody could explain why InDesign does not yet provide this functionnality. That's a big mystery. Layout designers have anchored objets, Grep styles, conditional texts and so much great tools improved by leaps and bounds, but vertical column rules, please? “Move along now, there's nothing to see!”
Grep Style Gradual Stretch
June 04, 2009 | Extras | en | fr
Is it possible to automatically stretch a text according to its length? The question is simple and the answer is not that complex, thanks to the InDesign Grep Styles.
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